While you think that installing new flooring in your home is difficult, there are a variety of tools you can use to put new flooring in just one weekend. For example, if you are a fan of wood floors yet you are on a budget, you can try the wood laminate. Wood laminate is readily available in your home store and installing it is not that hard.

    On the other hand, painting is also one thing you can do. Learn the basics of house painting and do it to your own home. And while you’re at it, experiment with colors and do away with boring hues. A gallon or two of paint is probably the only thing you’ll spend on, while hiring someone to paint for you will be more expensive.

    Homes, as they are safe for adults, may not exactly be safe for little, curious kids. Normal household paraphernalia (such as electrical outlets, blinds string, etc.) can cause accidents for the toddlers. Here are some ways to keep the tots safe while exploring the house.

    • Keep the strings of your blinds / curtains/ shades out of baby’s reach. Tie them somewhere high to prevent your toddler from entangling himself or from pulling it down, ruining your window décor or the blinds themselves.
    • Insert socket covers into your outlets. This will keep the baby from inserting little things (or his finger) into the electrical sockets. Socket covers are readily available at your home store.
    • Place baby gates at the second floor of your house or wherever it is that the baby is most likely to fall or meet an accident.


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